◆ Fovera Orthodesign Pvt. Ltd. is a tech-startup recognized by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India

◆ Fovera is led by a team of IIT Madras Alumni who believe in cutting edge technology

◆ In similar category, Fovera is the best-selling and highest rated brand on Amazon India

◆ Our products are well researched with finite element analysis, anthropometric data, and ergonomics

◆ We have a well-equipped manufacturing unit

◆ Committed for 60 days love it or return it policy for customers

◆ No compromise in quality of core product, covers and accessories

◆ 100% refund/replacement guarantee on damaged goods

◆ Better margin, service, and support

◆ More Innovative rehab-based products are in pipeline

For business inquiry write to us on or call us on 95395 95795